Ben Lau added 5 new photos.
We need to examine a piece of new work by looking at it intensively and asking the question : “Does it deserve to be called a “masterpiece?” I have  therefore set up for you– and the as yet unborn future bona- fide artists, this exhibit (please see pictures above and below the text).
In the image below, we can see why shapes B, C, D, are to be conjoined with A to become ONE mainland after part of the black in that region is peeled away. Without this correction, we are stuck with the island, B , which fails to integrate, and the island, C, which seems unable to join the mainland designated by A.
Great masterpieces by Rembrandt, Titian, and Velazquez are placed here for your reference, and they all show the same secret. So whoever you are, however talented you may be, whether you are Titian, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Knox Martin, Picasso, Cezanne’s, or  Ben Lau–as long as you are honestly creating the painterly metaphor–HONESTLY means, 1. you, as a bona-fide artist, know exactly what you are doing when you set out to produce a true painting; 2. you are not eyeing the billionaire buyers’ pockets, but instead doing your job for the sheer love of it; 3. if you do not REALLY know something, you’d better keep quiet! ( I am referring to the academics, especially those from MCAD, Harvard and Yale!). If that is the case, then even if the entire world have forsaken thee, it still won’t matter! You are still moving in life like a boss.You are still the chosen one– being richly rewarded with the happiness of creating your painterly metaphors, knowing that it is your privilege, yours alone, to enjoy it for as long as you breathe!
Look no further than in the direction of Knox Martin. He is 94 this year, yet going strong all the way, soldiering on! You won’t see him stop for a moment.  I cannot honestly say he is a successful painter because his works have not been understood except by a few– and his works are currently selling in no more than 5 digits ( while a deKooning can easily fetch a 8 digits theses days!)
That’s my silent advice to the future bona-fide artists. And I predict there will be many more of them, and there will be as many girls as boys too!!!!!
en Lau added 4 new photos.
Remember the Alpha Seer has said: NO ISLANDS, only ONE mainland is allowed?! Upon further scrutiny in the work, an outstanding island is spotted, as shown below in the middle image. It is long, so let’s call it the Long Island, denoted in the middle image as E. E is also denoted with two arrows. A third arrow is pointing to a much smaller island, denoted by F. But F is too tiny to affect the flow of the composition’s energy, so nothing needs to be done to change it. The lowest picture shows that the change have been made, which comprises in just shaving off some thickness of the line that represents the calf of the satyr.
This work is officially complete, with the lowest image being the finalized product. In a masterpiece, however,  being complete is not enough, perfection must be the goal. So further scrutiny is in order. If you don’t hear anything else from me– it means perfection has been achieved!