The Alpha Seer understanding true art

August 11, 2011

Beauty In ART

Filed under: Uncategorized — MASTER BEN LAU @ 6:35 am

Figure 1: Woman With Cat

BEAUTY rests only in the UNKNOWN. It never comes from the process of thinking. Having said that, one may be fully assured “conceptual art” is simply worthless speculation about BEAUTY.

Ideation about the thing is not the thing itself!

“I seek the knowledge of love but I have never been in love…!”

What stupidity! Throw the bum out!

Thundered the Alpha Seer… .

The academic is the bum!

It should be clear to all that thinking is from memory, and memory is dead. “There is nothing new under the sun!” declared Nietzsche. And he was also right with art !
If a piece of work has failed to transport your spirit to the BEYOND, or the ABSOLUTE,–that profound realm of the mysterious, one can dismiss it altogether. It has no more merit inside a room than any other object found there!
Never mind what the academics tell you! The tragic thing in these times of ours is not that those “experts” cannot tell art apart from non-art,–the deepest tragedy lies instead in the public’s total reliance on those so-called experts or “specialists!”
I call it Humanity’s most unforgivable surrender to evil since the Holocaust,– when apathy, coupled with herd instinct, had enabled Adolf Hitler’s twisted mind to carry out its evil design unimpeded.
Be fooled NOT by your own Ego! NEVER trust your herd instincts or the so-called conventional wisdom! ( e.g. Oh, yeah, I think Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp, Turner, Cy Twombly, or Rauschenberg is a great  artist because so and so says so…, VIPs like Arthur Danto or Alberto Bingo had said so!– even though I do not have the foggiest clue what they really wanted to say!–I ‘d better agree with them,– hey, who am I to disagree with experts? Yeah, it would be safer to do so, or else I can become a laughing stock among my peers!)

A work of art is REALLY not what you think! Thinking itself has no merit!

Listen to Mozart/ Bach/Beethoven, then blare out the Beatles, the Blues, the Jazz or whatsoever tunes that have found a path via the market to the public’s ears in the last 150 years. Make earnest comparisons and feel the difference! Anyone can do it! The difference is not so difficult to detect. As long as you are not impatient ,–you can be better off than any “expert” on earth! Patience comes from BEAUTY itself,– within you! It is the only luxury you have when all else fails! The experts, or “famous artists” or professors, or critics/ art dealers” may have learned the jargon, the technicalities, the anecdotes, certain names or events, they may even talk like a lawyer, dangling in your face a name card showing a title of Ph.D, or a tenure at Harvard or Yale,– but they are irrelevant!

Friends: you only need to know one thing: the DIFFERENCE!

That silence in the DIFFERENCE should trump all their petty knowledge! It is on the circumference of music that those “learned men or women” have built their “knowledge” and livelihood, but your feeling of the DIFFERENCE is a most powerful tool,–since you have gone into the heart of a composition, feeling its Yin and Yang, or its black and white, and you have studied its very soul!

An academic’s dictation eventually should no longer have any place in your heart, deciding which music provides the best benefit to you from now on!

If an individual is thus rebellious, there is still hope! The academics, who are the impostors, (the Alpha Seer will call anyone with the pretension of the spiritual, or Knowledge of BEAUTY,– an impostor,–since BEAUTY is the regime of the artistic geniuses only,–and their number is so small that they can be counted on one hand. For example, we only have Picasso, Matisse, Gorky,  De Kooning, and Knox Martin in the last 75 years! What I can find by my tea table through earnest comparison,– so can you, my friend!

Have doubt in what the Alpha Seer tells you, but see it for yourself! If there is only doubt where one is too lazy to check on the facts, only cynicism remains.

Yes, the academics will cease to find a place in your heart, as neither would you offer sanctuary to ANY of their recommendations in your mind. When that happens, you are rejecting their conditioning of your mind.

Unless one can rinse free of their continued attempts at mind-conditioning, there can be no freedom for Humanity! There will always be another Hitler in your future. There will always be the Pope, the Mullah, the “beloved leader… .” There will always be the academics, who are the High Priests of rites and rituals, be that of a certain belief, or of art, or just about any kind of learning!

What one can do with music,– one may do likewise with ART. Set up a Titian, a Velazquez, a Frans Hals, a Rubens, an Ingres, or a Cezanne by your tea table,– look intently at them; making sure that you have been taken in by their sublime forms; then place some of what the academia have the audacity to call “art”,– next to any of them.  One may soon realize that, in true art there is found the magic to engage your soul! That is the very magic of BEAUTY,– from which a wondrous relationship is derived. That relationship, or composition, is a blueprint for the universe, or for existence itself,–since it is the very relationship of Yin and Yang,–

Albert Einstein once exclaimed, ” Nothing can be more beautiful than the mysterious!” Beautiful is the mystery that resides in those sublime forms!

All you ever need to determine what is beautiful Vs what is not is through the simple act of COMPARISON and constant observation, since the very mystery that Einstein has alluded to abides in the sublime composition of true ART!

Look deeply, making notes of formal BEAUTY, which is the Yin and Yang itself. If you are aware enough, you can actually hear falsehood drop away with an alarming throb.

The work of impostors cannot stand up to earnest scrutiny!

Don’t let Ego fool you. Eager to achieve, the Ego is perpetually saying: “Okay, I’ve got it,”– while in truth, one remains in stupidity and ignorance! Go back to Square One!–roared the Alpha Seer… .
So watch your Ego! If you cannot be sure, simply be honest with yourself.
You must look in the mirror and ask yourself: can I be such a fraud day in and day out,– and carry with me all my life such self-delusion?

In the event that the difference between the pieces cannot be yielded,– even under long and painful scrutiny, as may be the case with a good percentage of us, ( please don’t feel sad: Humanity is pretty blind to BEAUTY in the first place),– then ART is probably not something for you!

Look instead at the flowers of Springtime,– or a glorious sunset by the end of a fine day,–allowing the happy sights of mountains, trees or rivers to dissolve in it. Beauty found in nature may prove more suited to your temperaments than ART at a museum or gallery! Galleries are run by impostors anyway!

Or you may find beauty in songs, dance, or poetry!

Existence can be blissful,–and with BEAUTY in life, so spiritual, and powerful!



  1. Comment’s author: geenng03/27/07 05:47:00 AM人類演化來的慾望讓人類不僅能生存繁衍 而且還讓人類成為萬物之王 只是人類讓環境改變得太快 所以演化來的東西開始不適用了 所以人類開始能夠體會到痛苦 恐龍活在這個地球上幾億年 最終在幾萬年 幾十萬年 幾百萬年滅絕 如果把地球形成迄今的時間算作一年 人類不過在地球上存在幾秒鐘而已 連活了幾億年的恐龍都滅絕了 人類少生一些 或者幹了啥傻事而滅絕了 又算什麼了不起的大事了 這就叫作 諸行無常啊 這世界上沒什麼是永遠管用的啦

    Comment by Xristos — December 9, 2015 @ 7:19 am

  2. What is your conclusion then?

    Comment by MASTER BEN LAU — April 2, 2016 @ 3:08 pm

  3. Maybe I should answer you just as well without hearing about your conclusion,– which is quite predictable, because your premises have already been established in that argument. However, let me point out a fact that perhaps you have never considered, namely, you are also the creator of your universe.

    Comment by MASTER BEN LAU — April 2, 2016 @ 3:29 pm

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