The Alpha Seer understanding true art

April 28, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — MASTER BEN LAU @ 10:00 am

Figure 1 : From top to bottom: Going from the unfinished stages to the finished stage,  entitled Cat with Woman 996.

With each new composition, the true artist steps into the UNKNOWN.

They will be quoting the Alpha Seer like hell one day ( that is why the highlighting to make it easier for them to read,–tee hee,…!)

Academics! Thy name is Horseflies- Over- Poop!

Unless you are one hell of a genius, like Titian, or Knox Martin, you cannot really escape the fate of self-doubt, as there EXISTS NOT a formula to be followed, like J. Krishnamurti used to say,” There is not a path to TRUTH!”

Balancing a composition is no easy matter,–so much harder than balancing a mathematical equation, or a check book…!– if only you guys knew what exactly the Alpha Seer is doing. Yet it was Knox each time who first observes the endgame and informs the Alpha Seer that the latter has successfully pinned his composition down. To get to the endgame, or to balance the composition, can be like catching a walleye with the teeth,–  or catching it without hook!

Come now, you guys,–those on the front rows!!! Yes, you, the entrepreneurs, you, the CEOs, you, the PhDs, you, the professors and you, the attorney,… But wait, there are no doctors in here, nor pilots, nor cops, nor art dealers, nor hookers, nor politicians… guess what? I have never known anyone in those categories. I mean,– I know quite a few hookers or politicians, for example, but they have never really existed as real people.

Why so?

Now that’s a story for another day,…

Figure 2 shows the final block print based on Woman With Cat 996, now entitled WOMAN & CAT 419 , which allows the subtleties in the Yin and Yang interactions to show through without overburdening the eyes with details.

Figure 2: WOMAN & CAT 419



THE ALPHASEER IS SO SHARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   KNOX

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