The Alpha Seer understanding true art

September 24, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — MASTER BEN LAU @ 9:18 am

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From: Ben Lau <>
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:11 AM
Subject: What is the difference between ART and pornography?
To: Ben Lau <>

What is the difference between ART and pornography?

That was a question addressed to the Alpha Seer when he was at an art school.

I will give this particular question a clearer definition here once and for all.

Take a subject matter, any subject matter at all,–it will instantly and magically become ART in the hand of a true artist; while in that of the non-artist, anything can be in danger of being turned into a perversion.

Look at the following lino-cut: every single line in this composition streams of fantastic poetry and innocence! Look on, if you cannot agree now. Give it another 10 minutes, even with a cup of tea in your hand! ( never mind the calligraphy, which was used to cover up the track of a small insect,–the Alpha Seer did his calligraphy 20 times better before losing his dexterity of brush painting, a sort of impromptu art-making… )


There is no evil in sex, just as there is no evil in food. We need both in life. Raise your hand if you disagree,… (on the basis that you are about to raise concerns against sex being used as subject matters, thereby condemning it as “pornographic… .”)

Now, as soon as you start perverting food, evil comes into being! The same can be said of sex. Since the non-artists cannot understand ART, perversion abounds. Mind you, the relationship between ART and Sex is not insignificant! Titian and Rubens painted a lot of nude women because they had loved women. One of the best paintings by Watteau is also called Satyr and Nymph. The great Knox Martin painted mostly nudes in his magnificent career as artist. One of his most erotic drawings even has he himself in it!

Because of the non-artists’ failure in understanding ART, sex has ultimately become, in their hands, a perversion. The line can be drawn then, and the following remark can be said about their “artistic effort” as a result:

Anything that the non-artists lay their hands on, anything, not just those that would involve sex as subject matter, will inevitably and effectively become PORN as a result when the artistic intent is proclaimed !

Ahh, on second thought, the Alpha Seer must go deeper than that,– since the shameful truth is, just about anything the non-artists do can be termed perverse or pornographic, since perversion always exist in whatever they attempt in the name of ART!!!!!

And the reason that ART has been perverted by the non-artists is simply because there exists a counterfeit intention in whatever they have attempted and eventually proclaimed as art. That counterfeit intention is more than obvious in the Ponzi-scheme, for lack of a better description, being run by those folks at present, –a sort of “art” for quick cash scheme,– attached ingloriously to the postmodern world.


Who are the true artists? The Alpha Seer can offer you a list here,– not exactly a complete one, nor are their names placed in any particular order of greatness:

Beside the greater geniuses in modern time, such as Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, Gorky, de Kooning, and Knox Martin, we also have, in the last 800 years or so, the following:

Van Eyck, Giotto, Buoninsegna, Cimabue, Van der Weyden, Memling, Hieronymus Bosch, Fra Angelico, Fabriano, Francesca, Botticelli, da Vinci, Raphael,Titian,Tintoretto,Veronese, Brueghel, el Greco, Rubens, Sotatsu, Hokusai, several more Japanese masters and 300 more nameless Egyptian, Chinese, Islamic, and Indian, Hals, Velazquez, de Hooch, Brouwver, Rembrandt, Watteau, Ingres, Degas, Manet, Seurat, Van Gogh, Gris, Dufy, Miro,… Of women artists, the Alpha Seer can name only two at this point, and they are Master Olivia and Master Rosemary.

Whenever something is done with a counterfeit intention, perversion abounds, since the heart of Darkness is EVIL!

Look at the ugly and unsightly works by the following non-artists***:

***The Alpha Seer had refrained from using the accusatory word “impostors!”  These days a fast click on the Google Search machine will get you there.

Andy Warhol, Chuck Close, Damien Hirst, Jim Dine, Jasper Johns, David Hockney, Gerhard Richter, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella, Mark Rothko, Fernando Botero, Francis Bacon, Hans Hofmann, Barnett Newman, Max Beckmann, Emil Nolde, Jackson, Pollock, Clyfford Still, Diego Rivera, Max, Ernst, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe, Georges Braque, Marcel Duchamp, Egon Schiele, Wassily Kandinsky, Gustav Klimt, Edvard Munch, etc. etc.

No, don’t believe me, don’t ever believe what I have just said.

P L E A S E    D O N ‘ T ! ~since believing in someone, or something, without conviction is also a perversion, in and of itself! The current herd instinct is the sickening tendency to believe anyone in the position of apparent authority, such as a professor of Harvard or MIT, your pastor, your mullah, or the Pope,…

Simply do this experiment at home: take up a cup of tea, and relax. Then leisurely examine each and everyone of the above.
Let your intuition inform you.
You can also see it,– with instant understanding,–but that is not a given,– unfortunately.

Figure 1: Satyr and Nymph